Our Dedicated Services
The mission of Apex Network Consolidated Inc. is to provide loving and caring services to individuals and families dealing with a range of developmental disorders in a manner consistent with individual/family strengths, needs, and choices in order to improve the quality of life of every individual we serve. We emphasize the strengths perspective and the principles of empowerment in delivering services.
Program and Services
These services are geared towards individuals who are served in the community through the Developmental Disabilities Administration’s community pathways waiver.
Vocational Services
Structured activities, training and assistance are designed and provided to individuals served to ensure that they develop and/or maintain appropriate work skills and receive vocational activities that reflect their needs, preferences, and interests based on their individual plan (IP). Vocational program services begin at the work activity center and progress from skills training to production and contracts work, including volunteer work at various sites in the community.
Day Habilitation Services
Involves structured activities and training designed and provided to individuals served to increase and/or maintain skills in the following areas: communication/socialization skills, personal hygiene, fine motor skills, sensory integration, recreation and leisure, and community integration.
Supported Employment
Involves training and supports designed and provided to individuals served who have competitive employment in community businesses or are self-employed; or who are engaged in a work program that requires supports to increase and/or maintain desired outcomes established in the individual plan (IP). Job skills training are provided with regards to specific jobs within certain services such as: grounds maintenance, housekeeping, janitorial, and clerical services.
Family and Individual Support Services
Individuals served in the FISS are provided with in-home support services that will enable them to maintain their independence and well being, assist in preserving the family structure, promote a functional home environment, and teach clients to use available community resources. In-home assistance is provided through teaching and demonstration of practical living skills in the need areas identified for individual clients and families. Training and supports that are provided may include, but are not limited, to the following: practical living skills, use of community resources, and other supports including counseling, medication administration, help with accessing and completing education, and respite, behavioral, or other services needed by the individuals we serve.
Family Training
Services are provided either in the home or in the agency office. Professionals licensed in the State of Maryland as social workers, special education teachers, occupational therapists, or physical therapists provide quality services in training families in treatment regimens, behavior intervention and modeling, skills training, and training on use of equipment. Family trainers develop behavior intervention plans based on a multi-variable and multi-method functional assessment personal interview with waiver participant/family, review of IEP, review of speech/language assessments/other educational assessments, preferred events (self and caregiver report), and semi-structured interview. They provide training to the family and family support worker on plan implementation and documentation. They also provide ongoing supervision of the family support worker working in the home.
Respite Care Services
Involves short-term care because of the absence of or need for relief of the client’s family who normally provides the care. Our respite care family support workers assist in or provide activities of daily living including nourishment, personal hygiene, and grooming. They also provide assistance in day-to-day activities including homework, problem solving, extra curricula activities such as visits to library, ball games, after school programs, and doctor’s office visits.
Intensive Individual Support Services
Involves intensive one-on-one interventions to assist in the care, treatment, and habilitation of clients. Services are provided in the clients’ home or in the community. Intensive individual support workers in addition to assisting in and/or providing activities of daily living also serve as instructional technician, therapeutic aide, bus aide, or interpreter.
Therapeutic Integration
Is an after school program geared towards integrating therapies with the goal of engaging clients in activities with other children to teach/model, improve, and/or maintain skills. Clients engage in activities in therapy areas such as play therapy, music therapy, art therapy, sensory integration therapy, movement/dance therapy, and social skills/daily living training. Our therapeutic Integration site is located at 100 Winters Lane, Catonsville, MD 21228.
Adult Life Planning
Focuses on providing assistance, support, and information to families of transitioning youths age 18-21 for a smooth transition from the child centered developmental model to adult developmental model.